Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The long awaited Christmas Blog...

My Christmas List:
If I picked one "toy" for the year, it would be a Wii Fit. Since that price tag is pretty high, I'd rather have things I can use.
I need two more large tupperware bins to store things that can no longer be sheltered by my shed (which will eventually be torn down).
I could always use gasoline and grocery store gift cards.
Blockbuster gift cards never miss either.

That's the tangible stuff I want.

A Confession:
I haven't really decorated much. I have 2 garlands out (one of which has a light bulb out so, of course, the entire strand is out). I don't have a tree. I have a few candles out and that pretty much covers it.

It's actually kinda pathetic. And I'll admit, I was feeling sorry for myself. I am not hosting a party this year (not for lack of trying, just for lack of, well, guests able to come to them). Last year, I hosted two great ones back to back! So this is quite the shift. In fact, I haven't hosted a party all year. The truth be told, I don't have that many local friends anymore, and those that I do have consider having kids a hinderence to traveling outside of their general 3 mile radius. So that leaves an unmarried gal like me living alone feeling left a bit out in the cold.

An old Epiphany Visiting:
And then I realized...I need to take my own advice. I've said on this blog "You can't always control the scenery, but you can control the thermostat." I asked myself a few vital questions:

Is it within my power to change the mood I've been in?
Do I enjoy feeling this way?

So, am I actually going to do something about it, or just drive my friends crazy with my belly-aching?
I'm going to do something about it.

Sure, I may not have anyone to share my Christmas decorations with this year. So what? Big deal! A lot of people don't even have decorations to start with, or a house to put them in! How dare I feel sorry for myself! What am I waiting on?! Sure I've been busy, but that's really no excuse. I've had plenty of late nights and down time.

And, damn it - I'm a family of one and it's about time I took care of this family a little better and injected some holiday spirit!

Since I have Christmas Eve off from work, I need to make the most of it. I'll be sleeping in and doing some Santa Drops with Clydas in tow! While I'm doing that, I'll stop off and pick up a tree big enough for me to handle. So what if my tree skirt will be bare this year. It's been a tough year for everyone, myself included. I can plop some Christmas tins or boxes under it if it really bothers me.

Still passing on the feasting:
Under normal circumstances, I'd spend the day cooking w/ family/friends. Since this year is just me, I think I'll save myself the hours of cooking (and clean up!) and just enjoy something a little simplier. A great bottle of wine, some great cheese, crackers, veggies, dip, and sausage might just round out my Christmas Eve dinner this year. If I get more ambitious, I'll grab a single serving lamb roast and do that or something. The aim this year is "simple".

After dinner, I'll be busy making FlyBoy's Slavik Nut Rolls (a tradition in his family that he's allowing me to share with my family this year). I'm actually really excited about, and contributing to my family's Christmas morning brunch the next morning.

That gives me a lot to do before Christmas morning, but I think it's a worthwhile persuit.

I'd like to be remembered as someone who kept Christmas well - even when no one was looking.


  1. I'm glad you have decided to enjoy the season, and I'm glad you are going to see your family on Christmas day. As much as you are ok with spending it alone, I still believe that spending it with the ones you love, and that love you, is very important. That's what Christmas is all about. And even when sometimes it feels like we are all alone in this world, we really aren't. I miss you dearly, and have yet to meet anyone like you out here. I don't have a social life, I don't have a group of friends that I hang out with, and if I do anything outside of work, it's with my family. But that's all that really matters to me. So in a way, you were my family on the west coast. And Christmas is so special for so many reasons. I was actually considering not getting a tree this year, since $ is pretty tight again this year, but then Jake insisted, and I'm really happy we got one. Even if there are no presents. I enjoy lighting my tree every night. It's so beautiful and peaceful.

    Merry Christmas to you my beautiful friend. xoxoxoxo

  2. Thanks for your kind words Bon Bon! You know how good I can be at being a hermit. ;) I know I've got lots of love in my life. It's just spread out - all over the country.
