Monday, December 21, 2009

27 til 30

Alright - back to throwing up a quick blog on my lunch break!

Fears: That I'll become a stress case that doesn't know how to relax.

The great thing about all of these fears is that the outcome of these perceived pitfalls is up to me. So actually, by jotting these things down, I'm reminded more and more that avoiding them is up to me.

Gratitude: For having the awareness to smack myself upside the head and pull myself out of my own funks.

Inspirational Person of the day:
Sistah' Girl!

It would be remiss of me not to include my best friend of over 15 years on this list. We met through the oddest of circumstances. We both attended a basically professional musical boot camp at Northern Arizona University in our early teens. It's funny how a few weeks at summer camp can make best friends.

We don't agree with each other all the time, but it's amazing how much our lives have intertwined over the years. It's as if we take turns guiding each other over various terrian in our lives. She's also on the short list of the people I know I can call no matter what.

One thing that's always impressed me about her is the strength of her faith and convictions. She's at her happiest when surrounded by like minds, praising God, and relying on Him. My spirituality has always been rather fluid. Don't get me wrong - I'd definately say I'm guided by the Christians compass internally. But Sistah'Girl probably has the makings of a missionary. She has a heart to help people (as evidenced by her choosen occupation - Emergency Medic) and I've never known her to be lonely or lacking friends.

And now, as she's aiming for conquering some personal demons and her first few triathlons, I'm very proud to have her in my life.

She's one of the few who's hung with me, not afraid to give it to me straight, and I know is always on my team. Seeing her grow and succeed gives me courage to keep on keepin' on.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I don't really know what to say, other than, thank you. Love ya, sis.
