Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear John... I mean 2012....

Dear 2012 -
  As I sit here, mere hours away from recycling my calendar and embarking on the hunt for a new one to love for 12 months, I find myself thinking back on our relationship.
  2012, you were quite a handful. I recall precious few quiet moments, doing a puzzle, listening to music, or playing games. You brought me the joy of My Sailor's first homecoming, the stress and confusion of moving into our new home. You brought me our new furkid, Odin and all the challenges that come along with an 80 pound snowball of fur. You brought me my first adoption meetings as a prospective adoptive parent, and you brought 5 more pounds to lose. You introduced me to Zumba and proved me to that I could move my feet even if I don't have the grace I'd like. I patronized two professional theatrical productions with My Sailor, and a couple local community ones solo as well - though I performed in none of them.
  You brought me a lot of sunny, dry days, and a really hot, beautiful summer day in Anaheim when My Sailor and I finally had our wedding. You brought me a trip to Michigan, and to Florida, to My Sailor's home town, and to Disney World. You brought me new friends and neighbors, strengthened some of my childhood friendships, and helped me let go of others.
  You've shown me some weaknesses that I still need to work on, and helped me tap into my emotions more than perhaps ever before.
  You've brought pain as well as I peeked into the mortality that we all have. But you also brought me closer to my family with it as well. You also taught me a new sense of gratitude for all the people who stepped up and made our wedding an amazing celebration of life where our families could gather, despite illness or distance, and find a beautiful sense of love in that vulnerability.
  Tonight, you fade into memories and I'm grateful for having known you, for the lessons learned, the tears shed, the sleepless nights, the passionate moments, and the brilliant sunrises.
  But for all of that, I must leave you and move on, for there is no room in the rear view mirror for tomorrow.
  Respectfully and sincerely yours,

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