Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What do theater people do when we're a bit troubled...

We go out on random auditions!

All I knew was there was an audition, and that I needed to get out of the house. So, after some writing and a bubble bath, I headed off the Patio Playhouse, one of the local community theaters.

They were holding what we in the biz call a "cold reading".
This is basically where they give you a peice of the script, tell you to read a character with other actors who are also in the same boat as you. It turns into a make-shift scene that's always a little crazy.

I was reading for Catherine Simms. She's described as "a spoiled, but introspective heiress." I didn't know any of that when I auditioned and they gave me her heart to read over and over again. I played her as a bit more of a stuck up, sarcastic style girl.

Oh well! It was fun! And another audition experience under my belt.

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