Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Under pressuah"....

"People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in,
their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

So there's a good deal of stress going around today. We're waiting on some pretty big changes at work and I'm waiting on pins and needles to find out if I'll be able to find a roommate for me and Clydas to move in with! I have a couple of options right now, and I'm doing my best to stay focused on the positive (having options is a GOOD thing), rather than focus on the stress of bills, upcoming random expenses, and all the changes that are going on. Change is a good, healthy thing. Even changes that don't go our way are learning experiences. But that doesn't mean that change isn't also scary.

In the interest of staying postive, I'll blog about the good things I have going on:

*Disneyland trip on Sunday with friends! I plan on flying solo for a while to decompress myself, but it'll be great to get out with Gerber Baby's parents, and decompress for a while. Thank god for friends with gas money.

*I have a job! And despite any changes that may happen here, we're not in danger of shutting down or anything, which is a reliefe.

*My new column for Celeberations Magazine is DONE and "in the can", ready for editing and layout for the next issue! Sista' Girl also gave me some great ideas of what she'd like to read about next time, so I'm mulling them over. As much as I complain and procrastinate, I'm actually pretty proud of the fact that I'm still writing in a publication that is seeing a ton of great growth! It's really changed my persepective on Disney, but I still know how to 'check out' from the 'work' aspects of it and enjoy myself as a kid again.

*I have amazing supportive friends. While many of them are not able to grab a cup of coffee (well, tea in my case) at a moments notice, they are just a phone call away. And for that, I'm grateful. They remind me to, in true Dory style, to "just keep swimming" and things are bound to get better. If there is one garuntee in life, it's that it's always changing.

*Parental funding! Okay, so I am very independent, but it really helps out right now that my parents are helping with my Medifast. I recently put in an order that should have me set up for AT LEAST a month. To those unfamiliar with the program - that basically means that I only have to keep veggies and food on had for dinners. Since my tummy is getting smaller, that means I don't have to spend much on 'consumables' right now. That's wonderfully helpful.

*I have an Ipod! Okay, so that may not seem like a super positive point, but honestly, listening to Disney podcasts helps me keep my spirits up. It reminds me of the reason we Disney fans often give in to our inner Polly Anna a bit more than the average Joe. As Lou Mongello says at the end of his podcasts - "Keep Moving Forward." That was something Walt Disney believed in strongly, and it's very helpful.

Tough, stressful times definately make you grateful for the people who support ya!

Alright - it's back to work for me!
(Sale stuff added later)


  1. Great list Sis! Way to keep your priorities in check. We have a lot to be thankful for. :)

  2. You will be fine. If there is one thing you have down pat, it's survival.
