Bunk Beds for the Kids |
Today, I was going to rave about my lifting. It seems that my back squats are back on track and that I'll definately be lifting more than my body weight by the time the Power Lifting competition rolls around.
Today, I was going to complain about work. It seems there just aren't enough hours in the day. Here I am, working at 1am, and I'll be up in a few hours at it again.
Today, I was going to complain about deadlines. I have an article due in tomorrow (ideally - though my editor is cutting us some holiday slack). Our bunk beds for the kids were supposed to be delivered... and are still in Oregon...
Today, I was going to complain about the Navy. My Sailor's upcoming schedule, upcoming pay changes (in the negative direction), and the challenges with our upcoming adoption are, well, challenging.
But tonight there is something a lot more important to write about.
There is something a lot more important to call attention to.
Today, I'm asking for ALL my blog readers (ye brave, ye few), all around the globe (yes, I'm talking to you, China, and all my other international readers).... this time, I have a call to arms, people.
Remember this cutie I blogged about earlier in the week?
His family is still at the hospital, waiting by his bedside to try to help him recover from his heart transplant and collapsed lung.
No, he wasn't in an accident. He was just born very very sick. But that didn't deter his forever-family from bringing him home. Fingers and my big brother share the same name. He's a fantastic kid I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, but hope to when I next get out to the East Coast.
Gotcha Day - August 2012 |
Fingers at his big brother's Marine graduation w/ his entire Forever Family |
He's still in the ICU.
It seems like when 1 thing goes right with Fingers' recovery, something else goes awry. This time, it seems Fingers had a stroke during all of this treatment. He's lost some motion on the right side, as I understand it. Due to a trick of his anatomy, Fingers has some organs that are flipped flopped. The heart is on the right side of his chest, for example.
So please, do a sister a solid and say a prayer or send some positive vibes or howl at the moon or whatever you do, to send some healing vibes to the East Coast please.
We really need a win this year.
We really need this miracle kid to make it.
I am humbled every day by the challenges his Forever Family faces. I know I can't compare my journey to theirs. This is Fingers' book to write. It's a marathon, not a sprint. But it's also a marathon no parent, sibling (he has 9 of them), or friend can possibly train for.
Hang in there, Fingers...
I am just getting caught up on your postings. Sorry for the tardiness. Many prayers are being sent his way!!