Thursday, July 22, 2010

A little dose of inspiration.

I started this morning off with an impromptu Starbucks brain storming session with my temporary roomie. Though I didn't expect to run into him, we had a great talk and came up with the brain child of auditioning for America's Got Talent. It was probably the best way to start off my early morning. A walk with the dog down to Starbucks. A Venti Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte, and some great brain storming.

Yesterday,  BonBon talked about starting an Adventure Book (ala Up) and getting out of some stinkin' thinkin'. I've been pulling out of it for a while, but that thought has been marinating in my mind for a while. As I look around my office/bedroom, I remember how great it felt to make my ShadowBoxes for my races and my latest show.
In fact, when I'm most depressed, I can say that my life is lacking one thing.


As much as I complain about my life lacking romance, I don't think it's really "romance" that has something to do with it. It's really inspiration. I often equate the two because I feel MOST inspired when lost in some romantic notion, but really the power of creation and inspiration to change my thinking isn't linked to any one person or any one thing.

So here's to plugging some more inspiration into my life! Most of it will have to take the place of things I can do at home for a while. I'm still healing and my budget is still tight, but that shouldn't restrict my creative abilities. ;) Time to make room for a little more inspiration. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Actually, tight budgets inspire creativity! Nothing better to jumpstart brainstorming, though, than Starbucks. Would love to see you on America's got Talent!
