Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Where Imagination Meets Organization

Quote of the Blog: “First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.
Napoleon Hill



Maybe it’s spring.

Maybe it’s the move.

Or maybe – just maybe – I’m getting out of my own way – FINALLY.

But for the first time in I can’t remember when, I’ve begun living a more organized lifestyle on the regular.
Don’t get me wrong-  it’s still not “white glove” clean, but it’s not filled with dust bunnies either. I still have laundry to do and am still occasionally late for things, but I really feel like I’m getting my life together finally.

Moving has definitely played a strong role in this. Since I’ve downsized, I’ve found that things feel cluttered more easily, so I take care of the clutter more immediately than I did before. I’m learning that I not only enjoy that stress-free atmosphere when I’m at home – I need it! With my job (which requires me to deal with both disgruntled physicians and the government, on both Federal and State levels nationwide) I need that space to just be down time. It gives me the time and space to complete my “to do” list at home. I feel as though I am far less tolerant of my own excuses for not doing what I should.


Now, when I start working from home, it’ll be vital to keep things organized AND have “work space” and “home space”. My work space will be in my bedroom which is fairly small as it is. However, I have the capability to close up my computer cabinet and put it physically “out of sight”.

Also, working from home will be great for my health. I’ll be able to take a break and hit the pool or the on-property gym, or take Clydas for a quick jog around the block. I can do my laundry and my coding at the same time, and then have my evenings free for theater, Disney, or whatever tickles my fancy.

I have NO doctor’s appointments, lab pokes, or other tests this week, which feels great! I feel as though I can truly put those concerns on the back burner of my mind for the moment. Afterall, they are what they are and stressing out only makes such conditions worse.

I’m also finding that I’m on my feet more and on the couch less. This feels awesome. It’s a combo of both keeping up with the house chores and adding in P90X work outs to my every day. I’m off Medifast pretty much completely at this point (due to the diet being soy protein based and I’m limiting my soy given the current medical hiccups). I still plan on using a whey protein supplement for post work outs and a protein bar for a meal replacement. I now use Vanilla flavored, unsweetened Almond milk (when I do use milk). At 40 calories/cup, you can’t beat it! It’s also got a great hint of nuttiness.

That goes just fine by me – afterall, I’m a bit nutty myself! I’m reminded constantly that the only limits we truly have are those we put on ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. How true you are! About the limits, that is. I have to chuckle about the nutty!
