- What better place to start this blog than with a little background info and some cold hard facts about myself?
Background info: I'm 29 years old and living in Southern California, where I've lived my entire life. In fact, I'm currently still residing in my home town, scary, eh? I live with a four legged brindle boxer puppy that certainly keeps me on my toes. I'm actively employed as a CPC (Certified Professional Coder - if you don't know what that is, I keep doctors in the black and out of jail basically). I'm also a part time student at my local community college to work towards and English and Theater double major (I know, ambitious...). On top of all that, I am a singer/songwriter (first album in the final stages) and actress in local community theater productions in my "off time". I'm a huge Disney fan, and tend to find the adventure in just about anything in life. Since I'm adopted, I am the youngest, the oldest, and an only child, depending on which family group I'm classified in. (I'm so blessed that all of my family gets along - more or less.)
A few facts: - I'm a hiking boots and sandals kinda gal.
- I love to Kareoke with friends.
- I am well aware that some people will look at my Disney fandom and say, "Just HOW much money did you line Disney's pockets with?!" - and I am totally okay with it.
- I like to put my best foot forward, but also want people to see the real me.
- I choose to believe the best in people.
- I have a myriad of bad habits that come back when I'm not happy or feeling overwhelmed.
- I could care less about most brand names (Disney and Medifast not withstanding).
- I cherish faith.
- I love to write about things I love.
- I still believe that nothing is impossible. Afterall, even flying is only falling and missing the ground. ;)
- My favorite cereals are complete opposites - Grape Nuts and Lucky Charms (not at the same time, of course).
- I believe there is great wisdom found in all art, even movies and cartoons. ("There is no try. There is only do and do not." - Yoda, Star Wars "Of course, it's been my experience that when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up." - Joshua Sweet, Atlantis.)
- I sometimes bite off more than I can chew, thanks to my ambitious nature.
- I'm a Christ believer.
- I'm a very passionate person and love to share my passions with those I love.
- I have an advanced case of PCOS, but I refuse to let my disease define me or my limitations.
- I am often preoccupied by dreams of my next Disneyland trip or Disneyworld vacation.
- I believe life is a journey, not a destination.
- I have a unique view on love.
- I am forever hopeful.
And now, I have to figure out what to wear to an art exhibition opening... and how to get to Disneyland tomorrow. ;)
Thanks for reading! Leave a comment if you like! Next post: goals for before 30.
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